

放大字体 缩小字体 发布日期:2018-11-13 13:16:25 来源:互联网
  • HACCP,"Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point",简称HACCP,发音为 [Hassip] ,中文名称为危害分析和关键控制点。

  • 危害(Hazard):可能引起伤害之事物。危害可分为生物性﹐化学性及物理性。(The potential to harm. Hazards can be biological, chemical and physical. )

  • 管制界限(Critical limit):为防止危害发生所设的标准。(A value which separates acceptability from unacceptability.)

  • 管制点(Control Point, CP):可控制生物性、物理性及化学性之一个点、步骤或程序(Any point, step, or procedure at which biological, physical, or chemical factors can be controlled.)

  • 主要管制点(Critical Control Point, CCP):为一个点、步骤或程序,若加以控制,则可预防、去除、或减低食品中安全危害至可接受之程度。(A point, step or procedure at which control can be applied and a food safety hazard can be prevented, eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels.)

  • 矫正措施(Corrective Action):当监测结果显示CCP失控时,所应采取的措施。( The actions to be taken when the results of monitoring the CCP indicate a loss of control.)

  • 监测(Monitor):执行有计划的观察与测定,以评估CCP是否在控制之下。(To conduct a planned sequence of observations or measurements to assess a CCP is under control.)

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